Monday, August 4, 2014

Going Green

One step at a time.

I have been trying to achieve a greener lifestyle since before I started trying to be a blogger!  I have been mentally preparing for a lifestyle I don't have for the last 15 years.  I have the Natural Medicine compendium, the Square Foot Gardening books, the Herbal Garden books, and on and on and on.  My inner being screams for fresh herbs and vegetables from my own garden, and nature-friendly homemade everything.

I have achieved some of those things:

I purchase only plant-derived cleansers, or use vinegar, Borax, bleach, lemon juice, and baking soda.

I mop only with my Shark steam mop and no chemicals or dirty old mops.

I have switched to making my own laundry soap using this recipe.

I have switched to the natural dish liquid by Seventh Generation, although it is a bit pricey at the grocery store, which has caused me to attempt to make my own using this recipe.  It hasn't worked out correctly, yet, which the writer of that blog predicted, but I'm still attempting to tweak the recipe until it turns out right.

I have also switched to using the natural dishwasher tabs, also from Seventh Generation, and very pricey. (My next project will be to find a homemade version of dishwasher detergent, but I'm not there yet.)

I have switched to a more natural underarm deodorant (not antiperspirant). I currently use Tom's, but I might eventually find another I like better. (One thing at a time.)

I use handmade bath soaps instead of store-bought.  These are typically about $5 a bar, but I like being able to look the person in the face who made them, and help out a local business.

I use natural bottled shampoo, or shampoo bars from Lush, although I am looking for an alternative to that as well.

So, all in all, I think I'm doing pretty well.  The trick really is to work on one thing at a time, and it helps if your family is supportive and encouraging.

I am a horrible blogger.

I have tried to be a blogger for a decade, but it never quite happens for me.  I forget to do it, or I feel like I need to be writing something profound, but I don't have the time or energy for that.  So I blog once every couple years or so, and always start with an entry like this "I swear I'm going to start blogging regularly."

Well, it probably won't happen, but here's to trying again!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Oh, sure, it LOOKS pretty....

... but then there are The Chiggers!

I am out in the Theodore Roosevelt Preserve for 6 weeks this summer doing an Archaeological Field Methods class. This means that I am actually digging up Native American artifacts from a thousand years ago! In a very strategic, organized, and scientific way, of course!

I am having fun, but I wasn't kidding about the chiggers! Between them and other biting insects (although chiggers are technically in the Arachnid family) I have done nothing but itch myself crazy for the past week and a half.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Knitted Newborn Hat

Here is the pattern I came up with for knitting newborn baby hats:

Worsted Weight yarn (size 4), and US 6 (4mm) needles. The hat needs to have a circumference of 33cm, so after the ribbing rows, measure it. If it is too small, go up a needle size. Do not adjust the number of stitches or the decreases will not work right.

Loosely CO (cast on) 48 stitches.
Divide appropriately for your preferred method of knitting in the round: 24 stitches on each needle for knitting with 2 circulars or Magic Loop method, or 16 each on 3 needles for using DPNs (double pointed needles).

Begin working in the round as follows:

Work 6 rows of 2x2 ribbing (K2,P2).

Work 17 rows of stockinette stitch (knitting every row on circulars).

Begin decrease rounds as follows:

Round 1 [K10,SSK] (slip, slip, knit) x4
Round 2 [K9,SSK] x4
Round 3 [K8,SSK] x4
Continue in this manner until you [K1,SSK] and end up with only 8 stitches.
Cut yarn about 5 inches long and, using a yarn needle, feed through all 8 stitches and draw tight.

Weave in ends (cast on tail and bind off tail) using Duplicate Stitch.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Getting closer!

Tonight we had our last meeting as a group before the trip. We discussed packing and ate Greek foods that some of us brought in, but most importantly, we watched a movie I love: My Life in Ruins. It's a great movie, set in Greece, and watching it tonight I remembered the last time I saw it I ended up sad because I wanted so badly to go to all of the places they showed in the film, but I didn't really believe I ever would. This time I nearly cried looking at all the places I'm going to see in just 2 more months! My Life is Good. :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The View From My Front Yard

 As it turns out, I haven't had to wander very far to see very interesting things.